TINHIH Services
Prevention Services
We now offer Prevention Services once a week for the whole family with or without family problems or drug use. The primary prevention program that we are facilitating is the Strengthening Families Program.
Youth are less likely to use addictive substances if their parents talk early and often about the risks, have clear rules, and regularly monitor their activities. Active involvement and support are both critical in the prevention of youth substance abuse.
Prevention Services: Empowering Families - About Strengthening Program
The Strengthening Families Program (SFP) is an evidence-based family skills training program for high-risk and general population families that is recognized both nationally and internationally.

Parents and youth attend weekly SFP skills classes together, learning parenting skills and youth life and refusal skills. They have separate class training for parents and youth the first hour, followed by a joint family practice session the second hour.
The well-being of a nation depends on strong and loving families. They have the job of producing the next generation of emotionally healthy, responsible, educated citizens who are addiction-free and prepared to maintain the physical and social infrastructure of society. Research shows well-trained parents help youth avoid substance abuse and have better life outcomes.
It’s free of charge and sessions begin September 23, 2022 in the evening. Children 10 and up with a parent can attend. Free food and incentives available.
Register At (702) 445 7318 Spanish Translator Available.